Featured Articles

HCMs Arrive at Parity with Best-in-Class Ben Admin Solutions

July 1, 2024

By BENEFITSCAPE CHAIRMAN Ken Phillips ________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Alongside Human Capital Management [HCM] systems, employers typically use specialized ben admin software and services to manage health & welfare benefits. These best-in-class employee ben admin solutions have robust specialized functionality and deep…

A Response To IRS Call for ACA Feedback

June 11, 2024

By BENEFITSCAPE CHAIRMAN Ken Phillips ________________________________________________________________ The IRS has invited feedback on the ACA reporting and compliance process — more specifically, on the efficiency and…

Regtech Transforming IRS Powers

April 29, 2024

Without much fanfare, a radical data science revolution is taking place inside the Internal Revenue Service [IRS]. And all corporate employers should take note — and…

ACA Reporting: IRS Codes Explained

February 15, 2024

There are two series of IRS CODES for ACA reporting & compliance. These codes relate to LINES 14 & 16 of IRS FORM 1095-C, the individual employee…

ACA State Mandates: A Guide & Checklist

February 5, 2024

When passed, the Affordable Care Act [ACA] required individuals to purchase & maintain qualifying health insurance coverage – or face a federal penalty. By reducing…

News & Latest Posts

Sal Vergara Joins BENEFITSCAPE as VP for Channel Partnerships

July 10, 2024

BENEFITSCAPE has appointed of Sal Vergara as Vice President for Channel Partnerships….

PCORI Guide & 30-Second Checklist

June 13, 2024

WHAT IS PCORI? PCORI stands for Patient-Centered Outcomes Rsearch Institute. The acronym…

ACA Filing Errors: What To Do Next

May 13, 2024

You met the IRS reporting deadline. But now it’s time to correct…

Late Filings & Other Timely ACA Tips

May 9, 2024

Now that the April IRS deadline for ACA reporting has come and…

ACA Deadlines Almost Here

February 26, 2024

The IRS ACA reporting DEADLINES for TY23 [filing in 2024] are as…

So What Is Regtech and Why?

December 11, 2023

The regtech market was valued at $9.8 billion in 2022; the forecast…

ACA TY23: “Is My Company An ALE?”

December 11, 2023

All Applicable Large Employers [ALEs] are subject to the ACA’s employer shared responsibility [ESR]…

ACA TY23: IRS Changes, Tips & Common Errors

December 11, 2023

If you read only one online ACA guide this year, make sure…

ACA in Robust Political Health Heading into 2024

November 24, 2023

The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act is in robust political health…

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