Women’s History Month: A Time to Celebrate Women’s Health & ACA

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March marks both Women’s History Month and the anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

As a proud women-owned company and the leading specialist in ACA reporting and compliance, BenefitScape is delighted to celebrate both.

Since its enactment on March 23, 2010, the ACA has advanced health equity in the United States, enabling millions more Americans to gain health coverage, without pre-existing condition limits, including access to preventive and rehabilitative care, prescription drugs, wellness visits, mental health support, substance use treatment, and other essential health benefits.

Today, over 85% of the 97.3 million women aged 19 to 64 residing in the U.S. have health coverage, including 58.1 million (60%) with employer-sponsored coverage. [Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on 2021 American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates.]

As an active member of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council [WBENC], BenefitScape is excited to connect with all the incredible women out there and to hear their inspiring stories during Woman’s History Month.

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