ACA in Robust Political Health Heading into 2024


The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act is in robust political health in the run-up to the 2024 Presidential elections. Not one GOP candidate attacked the act during the recent TV debates [MSNBC: GOP Candidates Abandon ACA Repeal Push]; and all have removed any criticism from their websites. In opinion polls, some 60% of Americans now approve of the act [] and think it is the responsibility of federal government to make sure everyone has healthcare coverage.

Given these views among the US electorate, it is perhaps not a surprise that Joe Grogan, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council during part of Trump’s term, is reported by the WSJ [Why Replublicans Abandoned Fight to Repeal Obamacare] to have said the government’s role in providing healthcare coverage has become woven into the fabric of the U.S. healthcare system.

“The goal of universal coverage, or for as many people as possible—that principle, there’s no going back from that,” Joe Grogan said. “I don’t think anyone would propose a repeal plan anyway.”

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